Friday, December 02, 2005


Hello all. So your are like what in the world, scope? are you talking about the listerine? No, no, something much worse- endosopy. Yes, I had one done yesterday morning. In all actuality it wasn't that bad. But- ha- what they found- "seriously" i thought "are you kidding??" Yes well I have had this thing with my stomach since like junior highschool. It's like my stomach is killing me, then I eat and it gets worse. The doctor was just like here's some protonix and take some zantac if you need more relief. Ok so when I was in michigan, it had flared up again. Now the big problem here is my stomach, killing me, dont want to eat at all; my head, killing me, i have to eat something or its going to get worse. So it was like this battle and i had to decide, ok which one do i want to hurt worse today, the stomach or the head. Anyways, the doctors at MHNI were like we will get a G.I. doctor to check you out. He was like you may have an ulcer, especially since i started taking advil everyday for my head in like the eighth grade and then the list only progressivly went towards heavier drugs than advil. Ok, so I get home and we scheduele a scope with the doctor here in town. December 1st at 7 am- woo hoo love those early mornings. So you are like, christy come on get to the point. ok here we are. My stomach is not working correctly. yea, i didnt even know that could happen. Apparently the muscles in my stomach don't do their job right, and so i can't digest all of my food properly- thus my stomach pain is the consequence. Wow, i still am like what the heck? but anyways he told me there are two meds that will help this- one has nuerological side effects. im sure you can reason for yourself that one was eliminated quickly. so that left us with one med to try. it is suppose to help stimulate those muscles in my stomach. I still can't believe this has been going on since 8th grade- its actually really gross to think about. but in a wierd way, facsinating at the same time. So I am taking yet another medicine everyday. Thats adds up to be 7 different medications every day. I feel like such a grandma. Hopefully the med will work on my stomach. He said that it most likely was caused by all the medicines I have been on in the past. Yes, but i did want to make this one comment. The put me asleep to do the procedure. It is about the wierdest thing ever. I mean I was laying there and the nurse told me she was giving me the medicine through my IV. I was sitting there, well laying actually, thinking- i'm not even drowsy at all yet....then I hear my parents voices and I am like "What in the world are they doing in the surgery room!!" but it was over and i was in recovery. it's like I lost a whole 30 minutes of my life, and i will never be able to remember it (not that i want to). But it was just so wierd!!! Yes well, last thought. I was watching OC last night and at the end a song was playing. I thought- I know this song- but then I realized it was "yellow" but it was not coldplay singing- some chick. and it was awful. i couldnt believe it. how in the world did this chick think she could pull it off, i dont know. Let me also state that although i think words and music are by coldplay ( which honestly im almost 100%) but i have been known to mistake who was the actual creator of the music- ex- i totally thought taht john mayer had written message in a bottle (let me state also i was in the 10th grade) but then the song came on the radio and i go- thats by john mayer!. and then my friend laughs and says, no- its by police, john mayer covers it. yes i felt stupid. ok i'm rambling. i am off to atlanta to see the Rockettes!!! in the Fox Theater!! i just love that place. yes well hope everyone had an excellent week. I love you guys, but mostly right now i miss you guys!!! ok, peaceout- word to ya mother- ice ice baby :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Michael Rodman and i would like to show you my personal experience with Protonix.

I am 39 years old. Have been on Protonix for 2 years now. Miracle drug I have suffered with gerd for a long time and tried many treatments, some because coverage wasnt allowed, so my dr had been given me samples. When I am on this meds I am painfree thank god. I feel normal. I have run out of supplies and I have been in such pain that I sleep sitting up. I go back today to get more samples, today thank god.

No side effects that i remember so they cant be that bad

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Michael Rodman

12:24 PM  

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