Sunday, November 13, 2005

what is going on??

Ok so, earlier today, I typed up this whole long post....i havent put anything up in a while, so i click on publish post and then i lose my internet connection....and nothing was saved!!! now this really is just something that you're like man and move on, BUT this is like the fifth time this has happened to me! how crazy is that! and frustrating. Now i must confess I am extremely frustrated with my head. If I have nothing I want to go do, then I feel great. But, if I have stuff that I want to do, it begins to hurt so bad. Now, sometimes I just push through and all is well, but sometimes it is just so bad, i know if i try to do anything, then it will just continue to get worse and worse. I am going to see the doctor tomorow morning. (very early i might add) so maybe i will have good results from that. Let's hope so. So I can't even remember what I posted earlier that got erased. I havent posted in so long, I have like fifty things I've been wanting to write down, but everytime I actually sit down I can't remember what I wanted to say. I will say that most of you know that I'm like obsessed with the tv show Lost. Now recently i think about it and try to figure everything out all the time. And the show is a bit wierd/scary so thinkin about all of it a lot....I end up dreaming about it, and end up have nightmares (literally) concerning Lost plus my brain always adds something else scary to it as well. I know, it sounds pathetic, but it is the truth. Well, the other day, the Lord was like, "you sure are spending a whole lot of time over that silly show"-- and i was like, yea, guilty as charged. Now I know that I am spending too much time thinking over it- the Lord totally called me out. I know this all sounds like Christy come on. But just like you can become caught up in work, a sport, well I got caught up in Lost- sad but true. The funny thing is even though i know I'm spending way to much time, and i need to step way back, I'm like God- i love it tho, i mean do i really need to back off?? When i step back from the situation, I look at it, and I'm like Christy, let it go. But for some silly reason i dont. Now i know this is all over a simple tv show, I jsut think its funny how i'm so unwilling to give all that time i have wasted and will continue to waste, to give it back to the Lord. Oh how our flesh gets caught up in the smallest things, then doesnt want to let go, even when we know it is wrong. So, i thought i would just share a silly example of something that I am unwilling to let go. It's ok, you can go ahead and laugh at me- even i am laughing at myself. So I dont really know why I shared that with all of you, its not like some huge epiphany, but oh well, i already typed it all so why go back and delete it. Well my head is hurting pretty bad so i think i'm going to go lay down. Maybe I will come back a little later and post some of the more serious stuff that has been on my heart. I hope all of you had a great weekend-- from what i gather, EVERYONE pretty much went to athens for the game. Hope it was fun, i enjoyed it on tv :) war eagle baby!!


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