Friday, October 26, 2007

reading list

i'm trying to decide what i want to read next. i find myself overwhelmed. there are so many things i want to read, but i don't know which to actually pick up. i usually like to read a fiction book along while i am reading a christian non-fiction book. it's just something i started doing a while back. i've got my christian book (the only other word i can think to use would be self-help). i'm reading with my small group right now, but i need a fiction book to go along with it. honestly, i have a lot of reading for my english class right now, and i should not pick up something else, but it is children's lit so those are a pretty easy read.(even though they have bizzare and scandalous meanings--seriously, it's crazy.) i really really want to read stephen king's the dark tower series, but i think i'm too chicken. i've never read any of his books, and i don't really do horror very well, but i heard it has to do with alternate realities and i also know how it ends. usually if you know the ending there is no point in reading it, but the ending is just so mind boggling that i really want to. but it's a seven book series. then there is the time-traveler's wife. i love time travel so it just sounds like a lot of fun. i've also heard the alchemist is really good. and people rave about the kite runner. and then there is the author jodi piccoult who someone told me i would really enjoy. she has so many books out. and then of course there is the beloved karen kingsbury. i haven't read her latest in the baxter family series-summer. i really should just buckle down and get that one out of the way. they are so great you can finish them in a few days. and i haven't read francine river's leota's garden, and someone told me it has some history in it which i love so there's that. then c.s. lewis wrote a space trilogy!! i know!! i really want to read this, but i can only find the third book of the series. and the other night at small groups we were talking about this other book that sounds so good, but i can't even remember what it is called right now. so, you see, i just have so many on my list, which one do i pick?!?! well. this probably was a little boring to read. sorry. maybe one day i'll write all about the scandalous fairy tales i'm reading about in my english class to make up for this post. hope everyone has a great weekend!! -lcg-


Blogger Corie said...

Oooh.. what book to choose. I really enjoyed The Alchemist and I just read two of Jodi Picoult's books. My Sister's Keeper was a good one!
And, you are right- can't go wrong with Karen Kingsbury!!!
So many books, so little time!

12:17 PM  

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