Thursday, October 16, 2008


school has consumed me. i am not dead. atleast not yet. i always do this. i don't know why. actually i do know why. i'm just some crazy perfectionist. BUT Jesus is teaching me some great things. like school. somehow or another, i let my identity get wrapped up in how well i am doing in school. i think it's really easy to let this happen. my worth is based on my grades. obviously this is so far from the truth, but i feel like it is so easy to fall into this mindset. teachers, in some ways encourage it. you are a great student if you perform well in their class. i don't know. there's pushing you to do your best, and then there is convincing you this is why you are important. this is why you are great, because you have a great mind. so anyways, the Lord just convicted me of this earlier this semester. my identity is not found in my school work. my identity is in HIM. I am a daughter of the King. I am covered in His blood. And Christ in me is the Hope of Glory. gosh. that is a life changing truth. and then i wonder, how many times will i learn and relearn this life changing truth. Probably over and over and over. But it was just great to relearn that, and take that pressure off myself. Instead, when i do well, it's nothing about how smart i am. It's about how He is working in and through me. In everything, my purpose is to know Him and to make Him known. That's it. Bottom line, the end. When it boils down to that, everything becomes clear. So that's a bit of what's going on with me. Maybe I will be better about posting at normal increments. Until next time. -lcg


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