Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have to report that i am very sad. it's almost 8pm on wednesday night and there is no more new "Lost" episodes. They are starting over with season 2 this summer starting tonight. however there is a interactive game going on called the "lost experience" where we will get clues during the episodes this summer. Anyone who knows me, knows how much i love lost. the writing is brilliant. brilliant i tell you!! if you haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, you get another chance this summer!! i'm not kidding. it's almost addicting. atleast for me anyways. so season finale was last week and -WOW- what a crazy night!!! there was an hour left and i had absolutley no idea what was going to happen!!! i can't wait until september to see what happens- where the heck they take jack, kate, and sawyer. how hurley gets back across the island by himself. what happens with sayid, jin, and sun. if locke, eko, and desmond at are alive (i think they are....rumor has it desmond could be a cast regular next season), what the heck happened with the violet sky and noise and such. wow so many cliff hangers. and most importantly- was that really jack's twin at the end?!?! i'm telling my theory is that its his twin. oh yea and i read the book that they released by a fictional author who died in tragic plane crash on oceanic flight 815 "bad twin". its pretty darn good. ok so really i could write pages and pages more about the best tv show ever. but i must go- almost 8 and i gotta get that clue!!! oh yeah- i'm still working on my questions list. i very well may post it. :) peaceout to all.


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