Monday, January 16, 2006


hey guys-
so i have this crazy story. well not too crazy, but funny i guess. let me just go ahead and tell you.

Ok so we have a fish tank at my house. We've had it for probably 4 or 5 years. When the little fish die, we flush them down the toilet and buy a new one to go in there. well we usually keep two fish in there plus and algae fish. Well a couple of months ago our algae fish started eating the other two fish. its was really gross actually. So we figure out that you have to actually feed the algae fish (whoops!). But i mean in our defense- you would think an algae fish ate the algae and that was enough. But clearly, it has to also be fed. So we got this pair orange fish. I dont know what type, but then we also bought this pair of like blue/translucent fish. (sorry i'm probably telling you more than you need to know, but thats ok, i always like to put it in details.) So maybe a few weeks ago one of the orange fish dies. So, i mean no big deal, right? HA! well about three days ago my mom says that she sees this tiny baby fish, only a little bit bigger than the little food flakes that we give them. And I don't know I just never heard fish having babies in peoples fish tank. well yesterday we are looking for the baby fish and we see three babies. the baby fish cant be any longer than a centimeter. Well today we went to look at them again and we counted atleast seven baby fish!!! Isn't that crazy!! I think that the moma fish laid her eggs and then she must die. So now we have all these baby fish. And for now it's ok, but when they start to grow, well the tank we have- its recommended to only have two or three fish of their size in the tank. so now our plan is to let them grow and then somehow catch them and take them back to the pond behind our house!!! I just thought it was a crazy. Hope you enjoyed my little story. If you didn't I am very sorry and I offer my deepest condolences.

I am also very excited about 24. And the golden globes- i hope LOST wins their catagories. and now the past few sentences are evident that i have way to much time on my hands, and i watch alot of tv!! and me- well i thoroughly enjoyed being able to see everyone at encounter last week. it was great, and i seem to be doing a little bit better as each week passes! the Lord is faithful!!
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."


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