Wednesday, January 04, 2006

the new year

I had yet another thought to add along side the poem. New Year's resolutions can often be so frivolous. So at first I did not make one. But when I heard about them on tv shows, I gave it some thought. There is so much that I hope to accomplish this year, I decided I should have something. But what in the world is practical, something I can truly stick too. Here is what I have come up with:
1) I am going to live one day at a time- to not stress out over things which I have no control.
2) I will never give up on what I am working towards this year, especially as far as my health is concerned.
3) I will not stop seeking out the Lord and His plan for my life- no matter how much harder it gets or however much more I have to bear.

"You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny."
Psalm 73:24


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