Friday, July 07, 2006


(*disclaimer-- complete randomness makes up this post. possibly funny, but nothing of significant information about me. but if you have some time to kill i hope you kill some of it by reading my wonderful words.)

word. yes. thats my new favorite word. actually its not new. its really old. i said it all the time in highschool. i guess i "refound" it. i picked it up from being around jenny. gotta love her. in class she would show the combination and then go "word? word!" its so great. i mean it can be used as a greeting, or simply agreeing, or even as a goodbye!! word. ok so i felt like writing but i really had nothing specific to say. so let's see where this goes.

i just got done watching the series finale of star trek: tng. haha oh yea- next generation with captain jean-luc picard. ok so let me explain here. as we all know the head keeps me kind of limited as far as activities per day is concerned. still can't do a full day, but earlier in the spring i watched lots of tv- i like to blame the head for this. so anyways, afternoon from like 1 to 4 there is nothing on tv. nothing i tell you. you may argue, but in my opinion nothing. so my parents love star trek (ntg that is). i remember them watching it when i was like tiny. like 3 or 4 years old. if you've ever seen it there is a character named geordi. he is blind but he had this special vision thing that helps him see. he actually sees better than the normal human being, but thats just silly details, nothing you guys are interested in. but back to the story, my sister and i (at age 3/4, brooke was like 2 or 3) anyways we would get the hairbands we would wear and put them over our eyes and pretend to be geordi. classic, i wish we had a pic.

ok so anyways, the parental units love it, so mom suggested for the afternoon why don't you watch star trek. i scoffed at the suggestion but one day i flipped across it and that particular episode had some travel in it. ( ANYTHING with time travel interests me. i think i've written that on here before). so i started watching. before long i knew all the characters names, and now i'm at the point to where the shows that come on in the afternoon, i've seen a good third of them. yes so i guess we could said i'm an official trekie. ahh!!! sometimes it's just good fun to embrace the inner dork within.

yes well, like i said, nothing specific. so now the movie "what a girl wants" is on. i love how these cheesy movies set up the girl and she magically meets prince charming. SO non-realistic. i think the best non-realistic situation movie is "walk to remember". oh buddy did i bawl like a baby the first time i saw that one!! and then as i was bawling good old laura g says "oh my gosh!! this is sooo cheesy!" haha fun times. good memories.

ok well i've typed alot already. this is probably one of those posts that you get on, see i have a new post, you start to read, realize it has nothing of importance in it, skim to the bottom and then you feel like what the heck are they talking about?!?! oh well . its always fun to me to just put my random, meaningless thoughts together. ok they aren't meaningless, maybe a better word would be trivial.

and i'm having serious lost withdrawls!!! no new episodes until the end of september!!! atleast i've got good old rachel blake to give something until then. i'll have to write another post about her along with persephone, speaker, hanso, and all the other lovely characters belonging to the interactive game for Lost this summer!!! ok thats all i want to share for now. its time for the new favorite word to say goodbye!!



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