Sunday, August 05, 2007

"That's no moon! That's a space station!"

Ah, lovely quote. Great movie. Classic. Who doesn't love Star Wars. Anyway, the quote is relevant because I saw the space station the other night!! How cool is that? It passed over Alabama on Wednesday night. My dad heard about it on the TV. So my whole fam (minus the little brother, he was at youth camp) jumped in the car and drove out away from the city so we could see it. And while we were waiting we saw a shooting star, which made it twice as cool. It was crazy. We saw it come from the south along the horizon and it passed right over us. It was pretty bright when it was right over head. It was only there for maybe 2 mintues. I thought it was cool. It was a fun little famjam. I remember being really little and we got up at like 4am to see some comet. It was so cool. And then we drove into town at like 6 and got krispy kreme doughnuts. Ah memories. It was a really long time ago because my sister doesn't remember and she's only two years younger than me. Anyway, all that to say, the stars fascinate me. They are so magical, so beautiful. It's crazy to look up at the sky and think that some of the stars we see could have burned out years ago, but it's so far away that we are still seeing the light that came from them. Oh well, so now you know about my fascination with stars. I could just look up at them all night long. Wow, sometimes I'm such a cheeseball. Ok I'm gone, thats all for today. Until next time, WORD.


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