Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"So It Begins"

This is the 13th and final mobisode released leading up to the season 4 premire. All I can say is what the (**insert choice explicative here**)?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


ahh. my friends. take this time to embrace this historic day. seriously. so i'm headed home after my class this afternoon to vote. can't wait to get my "I voted" sticker :) and.....drum roll........the candidate getting my vote is........Senator John McCain. Yes. I feel like he is the best candidate to represent the Rebuplican party. I really like Huckabee too, but I've thought about this a lot and I really think that if we(Republicans) want to take the White House in November, McCain is the one who can do it. And I'm not compromising anything I believe in by voting for him. I would be if I voted for Romney (don't even get me started on Romney). But I really do like Huckabee. I would love to see McCain to get the nomination and then Huckabee run as his VP. BUT let's not get ahead of ourselves. I also can't wait to see what happens in California AND I can't wait to see what happens between Clinton and Obama. Ok so I'm hoping McCain pulls it out today. What led me to vote for him? A couple of things happened last week. 1. He won SC. 2. He won FL. 3. Juliani pulled out and endorsed him. 4. Schwarzenegger endorsed him. All these people saying he's too left need to settle down, no one is perfect, and he's the best chance we have at taking the White House. Seriously it's McCain or Romney who's a liar and a fake who thinks his money can buy him this nomination. Romney has flip-flopped on so many issues it's ridiculous. And I hate to say it but Huckabee doesn't have a realistic shot. He only has a possible lead in a few states, and you need much more than that to win. Ok, I got carried away, but I was watching the news listening to them debate about McCain and I got inspired. So--> bottom line: if you are in one of the 22 states included in Super Tuesday, Go Vote!!