Friday, June 19, 2009

Long Time No Talk

Once again, I find myself sitting in front of my beloved Mac with my fingers itching to write. I must give this shout out to Apple simply because I got this Mac (my first) for my birthday last year, and it has yet to disappoint. I will always and forevermore be prejudiced when it comes to the great battle between a Mac and a PC. 

I'm slightly embarrassed that I have not written in six months. What, with my beloved tv show LOST and the demands of my English and History classes, there simply was no time for leisure writing. I was writing like a maniac for this class and that one, but now with a break I find that I am missing it.

My break. Yes, at the last minute my summer plans changed. Who knew it would cost $1400 for just one summer class! So, yet again, I find myself in Montgomery for the summer. 

There's not too much to do here, but I am finding ways to entertain myself. Of course, I applied for several jobs, but let's face it: no one wants to hire someone for just three months at the moment, and there are several other people out there interviewing who actually need the money. So, I'm working at my dad's office a couple of days a week. 

I have committed myself to reading this summer. I am going to be a reading fiend. I'm trying to tackle all the greats that are still on my list. I also want to read all the books that I might teach one day to high-schoolers. Confession: I am a huge dork. My current reading list has, I kid you not, 60 books on it. One day I may post it. There are just SO MANY wonderful books out there.

That's all for now. I hope this post finds all you bloggers happy and well. I guess only time will tell if I post again anytime soon :)