Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lost UK promo video

I thought I would post this promo video for LOST. It was for the UK before season 1 even began. I absolutely love it and I can't quite explain why. Hope you enjoy :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mickey D's and the Cha Cha Slide

People. This commercial is hilarious. I saw it on tv tonight and had to share it. If you ever danced to the cha cha slide in high school you will crack up. Even if you didn't it's still pretty funny. Watch and enjoy! :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I wasn't going to write anything today, and I really should be studying, but I turned on the news this morning and I was so incredibly moved by what I saw that I changed my mind and decided to share a bit of my heart for this country. I don't know if any of you saw it, but this morning at Ground Zero they had a ceremony where they were reading out all the names of those lost 6 years ago today. There were so many people, all in black or gray. Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. All who had lost a loved one that tragic Tuesday. And it was raining there this morning. Not torrential rain or anything, but it was just drizzling, as if the heavens were mourning along with everyone else. After watching a minute or two of this I just started to cry. You forget how horrific that day was. How much it changed our lives. I was in the 10th grade when it happened and I remember for the first time ever in my life, I went to sleep afraid of what might happen next. Of course now I refuse to be afraid. I refuse to give those awful terrorists the pleasure of thinking that they won. And it makes me sick to my stomach that they release videos every year on this day. But that's not my point. My point is one that they made this morning on tv. After that day, America was united. We all stood together, we were all on the same page. And now, today, we are so far from that. Our country is literally divided right down the middle. And I know that I'm young. And it's so easy to criticize, and what I am actually doing to make a difference, but I'm just writing what's on my heart. In high school my history teacher told us this quote: "America is great because America is good. When America is no longer good, she will no longer be great." I'm so scared that we are losing what makes this country good. I think this is a serious problem that my generation must embrace and think through. We must chose to care instead of chosing to be apathetic like so many people I know that are my age. We must stand up for what we believe in. We must search our hearts and fight for the good. We must find a way to work together so we can make the world a better place. Above all, we must find a way back to the words of our Founding Fathers: one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I just want to tell everyone how much I love Friends. It is one of my absolute favorites. I'm sitting here right now watching it. And I love that even though I have probably seen this episode a countless number of times, I still can sit here and laugh out loud watching it. That is good comedy people. And I love when I meet someone who loves the show just as much as I do. I often encounter situations that deserve a Friends reference, and it is a great thing when you find someone who actually catches the reference. Ok so for example: today in class this girl came in and made an announcement before the GTA started the lecture and she had this awesome accent. And so it reminded me of the episode where Ross gets a job as a professor and he pretends to have a british accent. So I leaned over to Brooke (she's my sister, and yes we have a class together, it's great fun) and said hey remember when Ross.... and we had a good laugh. Ok so I'm breaking this down way to much, but anyways, Friends is great. And kudos to all my fellow Friends fans. Live long and prosper.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm with Fred.

Fred Thompson. If you haven't heard of him, check him out. If you have, give him a chance. He makes me proud of our country and gives me reason to believe that we can make a difference. He would be an excellent leader. He understands the importance of values and family. I'm just so impressed. So click on the link and watch the video and see for yourself what everyone is talking about. www.Fred08.com

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm bringing sexy back :)

And today's title can be attributed to..... Justin Timberlake!! haha. i watched his concert last night on HBO. man that boy can dance. i just have to say that he is so freaking hott in that bad boy kind of way. and i must also say that i have stuck by his side for seven years now. i counted last night. SEVEN. yes. you see back when i was in the ninth grade i was obsessed with nsync. this is slightly embarassing to admit to on the world wide web, but it's pretty hilarious so i thought i would share. i was in love with justin. i mean come on, i was 14. and when i say obsessed, i mean i had an nsync tape that i taped every single appearance they had that year of my obsesssion. and i knew all the choreography to their dances. i bought their HBO concert and literally watched it over and over until i knew all of the dances. and i had their posters on my wall. WOW. crazy huh. but yea, 7 years. and last year some friends of mine went to his concert and they told me that i was totally "justified" for think he was hot way back when because he really is and i just recognized it way early. so funny. oh well. atleast now i have a new obsession: the incredible, amazing show LOST. if you don't watch it, do yourself a huge favor and start. it is the most brilliant TV show out there. the writers are genius. ok i'll stop. so this post is pretty much about nonsense. i've started school. woohoo(kidding). actually its not too bad. i had a paper due today, so now that i'm done with that i feel like i've got some time to read whatever i actually want or watch lost over and over or write a post on here. i finally finished the trilogy His Dark Materials so i want to write about that soon!!! so i hope everyone else is good. the days are getting shorter and that makes me sad, but everything else is pretty good here. well i'm going to watch me some of season 3 Lost but no worries, i will try to post again soon! peaceout.