Saturday, March 25, 2006

the upcoming week...

hello friends. i just got back from the beach. it was absolutely FREEZING, but it is always good to get away from home and just soak up the beauty that always surrounds the beach. yes, well i haven't been to auburn in such a long time. i still love all of you and miss you very much, but i decided to branch out and look for people to hang out with in montgomery. the Lord has pretty much placed me right in the middle of a community here in the gump. the people have such amazing hearts, and they welcomed me the minute i walked through the door. they are alot older than me but they respect me and what i have to say which is really cool. the Lord has just really opened alot of oppurtunities for me to be surrounded by community and truth, which i have firgured out is essential in this crazy world. my head is where i am at the point where i can do like one thing for the day. after that i have to put the ice back on the head and i also have to have atleast one day of nothing to completely recouperate from the past week. its so funny how i used to go and go and go before i got so sick. things are so different now. but its good. i am finally realizing this is exactly where i am supposed to be and accepting it instead of be bitter or frustrated. well ok frustration is still there, but i think thats something everyone faces on a weekly basis if not daily. i also have started taking piano lessons which is really cool. i have always envied anyone who can play. i've gone through a couple of pieces but the main thing that i have accomplished is that i can finally read music again. im starting to take this new class where they teach you chords and a few other things i dont know really know how to describe it, but i am excited. its been so fun to literally discover during this time who i am and what passions the Lord has placed within me and what gifts He has so graciously given me. but back to the actual reason i wanted to post- i have three doctors appointments this week. i have been praying that the Lord would 1 heal me but 2 reveal to the doctors what it is they can do to help me. i am still learning how to approach the Lord and what to ask for in my situation. its been quite interesting. ah revelation after revelation. or i guess better phrased re-revelation after re-revelation. digressing sorry. i made an appointment with a chiropracter (sp?) this week. i am really interested to hear what he has to say. 50% of people i have talked to think they are amazing. the other half seem to well think the other way around. so alot coming up. sorry this post was kind of lengthy. i also must say that i heard a couple of really long messages here at my house and it took forever for them to get to the point. i then realized that i leave extremely long messages which im sure is funny but really annoying too. so i am trying to make a conscious effort to be short and sweet and to the point. voice messages that is. i dont think i can size down the journaling thoughts. ok well, thats all for now folks!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Quick Update

I dont get on the computer nearly as much as i used to, but i wanted to post the latest. I got another nerve block this past week. This was for my forehead, the same one i did about a month and a half ago. The forehead seemed to help a little bit. The last one i got was in the neck. The neck one is a no go simply because well it made me worse. I go see Dr. Slaughter on march 26, maybe its the 27-which ever one is that monday. Hopefully I can give him all the new information that has come up (i.e. my neck making my head worse, its really bad during the night, plus all the other lovely details). I really hope it goes well. I haven't really made any progress at all over the past month. And of course that is really dissapointing and gets me discouraged at times. I try to keep a positive attitude but sometimes it just completely overwhelms me. Alot of you have asked if I am coming back in the fall. I registered the other day for 13 hours in the fall. I really have no clue how I am going to be in 6 months from now. If I am not ready, that is not healthy enough to go back I am not going to go back. Eventually I will come back, but I have decided I have all the time in the world and I am not going to push myself too hard. ( I mean I am going to push myself but I am not going to over do it, because that just makes me worse.) Maybe I can just do a few hours or who knows maybe I wont be able to come back by the fall. I just know that right now, everytime I want to go do something I have to take pain medicine to do it, and I really hate having to rely on the meds. But the tentative plan is to be back in the fall. I think about october and how much progress i have made. Unfortunatley the road to getting back to having some king of control over the migraines is very very long. I have come a long way, but I have a really long way to go (some of you may be sick of hearing that- I say it all the time). I would love to write more but I have to get off- I feel my head escalating. Please continue to keep me in your prayers!! I will definitley let everyone know how everything goes with Dr. Slaughter. I know spring break is coming up. I hope all of you have a wonderful break and be safe!!! Peaceout for now :)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

bad nerve block/ Bethany Dillon!

I know this title sounds like i'm talking to the nerve block as if it were a dog. But basically the nerve block seems to be making me worse. i know, its sounds crazy, but my head has not let up since the same week i got the nerve block. i go to see the nerve block doctor in 2 weeks and i don't get to see dr. slaughter (the migraine specialist, and yes i know- what a bad name for a doctor) until the 26 of march. I may call up there though if my head does not let up soon. Right now I am basically at the point where in order to go do anything remotely social, i have to take skelaxin (pain reliever) to stay out and not be miserable. The other night I was hanging out and I took a skelaxin. I swear I could not annunciate my words, like they were slurred. I finally made the connection that it was the medicine (its a muscle relaxer). So that was pretty funny. OH yea!! ok i don't know if you auburn people know this but Jeremey Camp and
Bethany Dillon are coming to First Baptist Montgomery on March 17. If you want more info just email me and I will hook you up. I know all you girls are all about some Bethany Dillon! So thats all I am going to type now. I have figured out that for the time being if i stay on the computer longer than 20 minutes my head starts to get really bad. So no long heart felt posts for now. Thanks to everyone who continually checks in on me. Each of you are such a blessing!! Much love. -christy g

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thank You Jesus

The Lord is so faithful!! My heart is bursting for Him. I love the moments where there are no words to share this passion for Him inside me.How amazing is the God that we know and love!!
Beautiful One I love,
Beautiful One I adore,
Beautiful One my soul must sing!!!