Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hosea 2:14-15, 19-20

Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart.

There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

And I will betroth you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy.

I will even betroth you to Me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know (recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate, give heed to, and cherish) the Lord.

Friday, June 27, 2008

thoughts for today

things on my mind today:

-sometimes i just straight up wonder what the heck is coming up next in life. there's something exciting about not knowing, but scary at the same time.

-years are going by faster and faster. i can't seem to stop it.

-i've decided i don't really like facebook. i get on occasionally, but most of the time i feel like it is a popularity contest. it just doesn't sit well with me.

-i was thinking earlier about all the different guys i've ever liked. there are lots. it makes me laugh.

-bubba downloaded donkey kong and super mario world on the wii. i was playing it and it felt like i was transported back 10 years. somehow i still remember all those games and how to play them. how many pointless things are seared into my memory??

-there's something about being home in the summer. i love my friends. they are amazing, but sometimes its nice to just be alone.

-i just finished the time traveler's wife. it was really good, but so sad. somehow that book made me appreciate the fact that i have free will.

-i love how music can take you back to a specific place or time. sometimes it brings back up feelings i haven't felt in forever.

-am i on the right path? as far as my life is concerned that is. i know this is where the Lord has led me, but satan still whispers in my ear. i must claim truth. it's the only way to defeat it.

-can you tell i'm felling nostalgic and sentimental today??

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are you lost yet?

I wanted to write a post about LOST. First I must say the finale was incredible! Just incase you don't remember, I will say it again. LOST is seriously the best television show ever. The writing is brilliant. I must take this opportunity to shamelessly admit that I was part of the S4 Lost Fantasy League. Oh yes. You can laugh, but I had fun. My team consisted of Kate, Desmond, Sun, Aaron, Nadia, and Charles Widmore. There are different character groups and you pick out your team. Anyways, there were over 2400 entries this past year. Out of 2400 and some odd people I got 58th place!! I was excited. So now I must pick my new team. It's a tough decision. But the main reason for this post is to discuss the future of LOST. I keep reading all these predictions online so I thought I would write mine down. This way, I have tangible evidence that I "called it" if it ends up being true :)

1.Locke is Jacob.

2. Jack and Kate are Adam and Eve ( the skeletons they found in S1).

3.Charlotte is Ben's and Annie's child.

4. There is some sort of time loop involved.

Ok, so there you have it. My predictions. Of course I have several other theories, but I feel strong enough about these to write them down. I've thought all of these for a while now. Of course I have had several other theories along the way: the everyone has a twin theory, the island is the lost city of Atlantis, they have to go back somehow and redo things, Charlie is the musician that programmed the Looking Glass station, the whispers are everyone that has died on the island, Libby worked for Widmore, there are alternate timelines/realities, Daniel Faraday has been to the island before, Walt could be Abbadon, Hanso, Widmore, and Paik all work together, Rosseau is Annie, I mean I could go on and on... some have been shot down, while others are simply waiting to be answered. I think all the speculating just makes me love this show even more.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Pride & Prejudice is on tv. The one with Keira Knightley and Matthew Mcfayden. I know everyone LOVES the one with Colin Firth. I love it too, but I'm biased towards the newer one. I saw the 2005 one before I saw the 1995. Let's just say I fell in love with this story when I saw the one in 2005. So anyways I feel compelled to share with you my top three favorite scenes from this movie.

#3. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth dance together at the Netherfield Ball.

"May I ask to what these questions tend?" "Merely to the illustration of your character," said she, endeavouring to shake off her gravity. "I am trying to make it out." "And what is your success?" She shook her head. "I do not get on at all. I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly."

#2. Mr. Darcy's First Proposal in the Rain.

"...I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed upon to marry."

#1. The Second Proposal at Sunrise

"You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love... I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

Sunday, June 08, 2008


well, it's not even summer yet and it is scorching outside. oh how i love the south. i can't believe i've been out of school for a month. but no need to fear- summer school is here! i'm taking biology online. yup. it's boring, and i really don't get much of, or rather i just straight up don't care, but it sure beats sitting in class everyday.

i'm reading two different books right now. the first is A Walk With Jane Austen. i have thoroughly enjoyed this little book. it's funny, yet insightful. it's great. sometimes a book about Jane Austen can be, well, just badly done, but this one gets my stamp of approval. the other book i'm reading is none other than Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. there is just something SO great about Harry Potter. i can't quite pinpoint it, but it's oh-so-wonderful. i'm gearing up, "prepping" one might say, for the sixth movie coming out in the fall. this is my third time to read this book, and i still love it. that is a great book. that is a great writer.

i attempted to start a flckr account. i now have an auburn, gmail, and yahoo email. you can't have a flckr account w/out a yahoo email account, so now i've got three. score. so anyways i set up the account but i only have like six pictures up there. i really need to finish what i started. it's going to take me a while though, because you can only post 100 pictures a month. it might take a while to get all mine up there, but it will be worth it. why take pictures if you can't share them with everyone, right??

well that's all i've got for today. i'm afraid i have lost my inspiration. well really my muse you could say. my past few posts have been slightly boring. sorry about that. maybe it will find me one day soon. until then...peaceout.